Feedback from our Stakeholders


The Davies started their educational career in JNissi as young as 6months and 1 month 7month old and am glad to say it has been a great journey so far. They have grown academically, morally, spiritually, become enterprising; as young as they are they can face the world in some areas of enterprises.

JNISSI Nursery and Primary has helped nurtured them in the way of God with the help of the Holy Spirit, I thank God they are able to differentiate between right and wrong, they are morally upright, Please, Sorry and Thank You is their close friend.  A great foundation to become that great leader the whole wide world is waiting for!

I enrolled my daughter in JNissi High School observing with curiosity if the standard of the High School would be as high as JNissi Primary School. Now, I can state categorically after observing and after the discussion I had with the principal that they really know what they are doing. They have surpassed my expectation by building the moral, academics and spiritual life of these children in the fear of the Almighty God. I appreciate the close monitoring in building them in their academics and every other area of their lives. I know they can effectively compete with their peers in other schools.